Monday, August 11, 2008

BUSTED!!!!!(+_+) ('_')

People are constantly posting things up on the world wide web. The thing is some people put very inappropriate things up on the Internet. The bad thing about it is that if you ever commit a crime you can have your pictures used against. For example, you can say that you never used drugs in your life. Then you have a picture posted up on the Myspace or something like that with drugs in your hand. This can be a very regretful moment in life.The Internet is quickly become life. People should be careful how they use it though.
In the article Web networking photos come back to bite defendants it explains how people suffered from the broadcasting of their events. It says how this college student got into a drunken car accident and severely injured another driver. Then before the case he was at a Halloween party and he was wearing a jail costume. This showed he wasn't really concerned about the victim or even the case. This is what probably cost him 2 years in prison instead of probation.
In the article Teenagers Misbehaving, for All Online to Watch it explains how kids do things to be noticed on the Internet. Kids fight, fall off skateboards and just do crazy stunts just to be noticed. These teens are reckless and will do almost anything for attention or a laugh. These things can be found on the Internet on various websites such as Myspace or Youtube. These videos are harmful to the minds of some because it influences them to imitate or even try to do worst.
In the BusinessWeek article "Internet fuels popularity of risky stunts [The Oklahoman]" it explains how people use the Internet as media network. So people do things just to be put up there as news. People just want attention and they will do things for it. It says how the news used to be used as the media source now the Internet is being used more as the main source. so people are simply taking advantage of it.

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